Misuse of Drugs Act
Part III Class C Drugs
Source: L. A. King, Forensic Chemistry of Substance Misuse: A Guide to Drug Control, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, 2009
3D rendering of Phenylpropanolamine
[Phenylpropanolamine (above) is explicitly not captured by this clause]
Any stereoisomeric form of a substances for the time being specified in paragraph 1 of this Part of this Schedule, not being Phenylpropanolamine.
Effective 1 Apr 1987, S.I. 1986/2230 replacement for:
Any stereoisomeric form of a substances for the time being specified in paragraph 1 of this Part of this Schedule.
PubChem: 4786; ChemSpider: 4622; Wikipedia: Phenylpropanolamine
Any salt of a substance for the time being specified in paragraph 1or 2 of this Part of this Schedule.
Any preparation or other product containing a substance or product for the time being specified in any of paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Part of this Schedule.
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