Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
Schedule I
Source: Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII). Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, S.C. 1996, c. 19, as amended
Coca (Erythroxylon), its preparations, derivatives, alkaloids and salts, including:
Drugs Forum: Coca; Wikipedia: Coca
[Leaves of the Coca plant contain, depending on the species, small amounts of Cocaine, Ecgonine and other chemicals.]
Coca leaves
UK: MDA Part I Class A Section 1(a) Coca leaf
UN: Narcotics Part 1 Section 1 Coca leaf
US: CSA Schedule II Section b Subsection 4 Coca leaves
Drugs Forum: Coca; Erowid: Coca; Wikipedia: Coca
Cocaine (Benzoylmethylecgonine)
UK: MDA Part I Class A Section 1(a) Cocaine
UN: Narcotics Part 1 Section 1 Cocaine and Part 2 Section 4 Cocaine
US: CSA Schedule II Section b Subsection 4 Cocaine
PubChem: 5760; ChemSpider: 4475153; Bluelight: Cocaine; Drugs Forum: Cocaine; Erowid: Cocaine; Wikipedia: Cocaine
Ecgonine (3-Hydroxy-2-tropane carboxylic acid)
UK: MDA Part I Class A Section 1(a) Ecgonine
UN: Narcotics Part 1 Section 1 Ecgonine
US: CSA Schedule II Section b Subsection 4 Ecgonine
PubChem: 91460; ChemSpider: 4475941; Wikipedia: Ecgonine
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